Teaching School Hub Redesignation 2024 - Frequently Asked Questions

Teaching School Hub Redesignation (2024-2028)

As you may be aware, the Department for Education asked for bids from interested parties to run the Teaching School Hubs across the national network of 87 Hubs in September last year. Whilst we did put in a bid to continue running the Teaching School Hub for our region, we found out recently that we had been unsuccessful in our bid. A new Teaching School Hub, the Harris Academy Chobham in Newham will be in place for 1st September 2024.

We have already started to work with the DfE, and partners involved in the new, incoming Teaching School Hub for our region and aim to provide a series of updates over the coming months. We have had questions from schools within the region and partners we worked with about the transition arrangements to the new Hub and beyond.

To help schools with this transition, we have compiled a list of the frequently asked questions and the most up to date answer below. We intend to update these regularly and will share them on our TSH website and through our normal communication channels.

If you do have any further, specific questions, please contact us at administrator@neltsh.com or call us on 020 8509 7802 and we can give you further guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions (June 2024)

New Teaching School Hub

Who will be the Teaching School Hub for the North East London region?

The current Teaching School Hub for the North East London (L3) region is still the North East London Teaching School Hub (NELTSH) which is based in Walthamstow School for Girls. This Hub will remain as the only Hub for the region until 31st August 2024.

From 1st September 2024, the new Teaching School Hub for the North East London region (L3) will be the Harris Institute and will be based in Harris Academy Chobham in Newham:

for general enquiries: tshub@harrischaffordhundred.org.uk
for Hub Director and Partnerships enquiries: m.beyer-woodgate@hfed.net

We are already working with the Harris Institute to look at how we can make the transition period as smooth as possible for all schools and partners.

Who will I be working with after September?

From 1st September the Harris Institute will be able to provide Appropriate Body services, access to the ECF and NPQ programmes and will be providing Initial Teacher Training opportunities for schools in the North East London region.

If you are currently part way through an ECF or NPQ programme, we are working with our Lead Provider, UCL, the DfE and with our local partners to plan what the continuation of your programmes will look like and we are hoping to be able to provide a detailed response by the end of April.

ECTs and the Early Career Framework (ECF)

My ECT is coming to the end of their first year. Who will they complete year 2 of the ECF with?

As part of our transition planning, we are working with the DfE, the new Hub and our partners to plan what the continuation of these programmes looks like.

For those following the Full Induction Programme, provided by UCL:IOE and delivered by us as the TSH, you should have received a communication from UCL regarding how you will be able to keep your existing ECTs on the UCL:IOE programme with a new Delivery Partner from September. Should you have any questions about this transition, please contact us on administrator@neltsh.com or call us on 020 8509 7802 and we can give you further guidance.

For those following school based programmes, you should be able to continue to follow this programme but schools offering and delivering these School Based programmes will need to discuss arrangements for fidelity checks once they have chosen and registered with a new AB provider.

For schools following a core programme, you can continue to offer this core programme. You will need to discuss arrangements for fidelity checks once you have chosen and registered with a new AB provider.

Please look at the notes regarding AB transfers carefully below as there are some activities that must be done for existing ECTs who are transferring from one AB to another that are date sensitive. This may not the case with newly appointed ECTs who will start with you in September.

Will we have the same clusters and facilitators in year 2 for our ECF?

Please see the answer above. If you wish to stay on your current Full Induction Programme, please follow the guidance that will be provided by UCL:IOE. The clusters will be sorted out by any new Delivery Partner that you register with.

I have non-standard ECTs (those that did not register in September of the year they started)

Please see the answer above. If you wish to stay on your current Full Induction Programme, please follow the guidance that will be provided by UCL:IOE

How do I find out the possible ECF providers in my region?

The new Teaching School Hub for the North East London region (L3) will be providing a full induction ECF programme. All schools in the region would have been contacted by the new TSH now, in separate communications from the Harris Institute, detailing information events for all the courses and services they will be offering in September.

I would like my ECTs to continue following the same ECF programme (delivered by UCL). How do I do this?

UCL are one of the national lead providers of the Early Career Framework. They are working with over 20 different delivery partners. Details of these delivery partners can be found below:




How do I find out about the possible NPQ providers in my region?

Your nearest provider for NPQs will be the new Teaching School Hub; the Harris Institute.

Details on NPQ funding can be found on the DfE website here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/funding-for-national-professional-qualifications-npqs#scholarship-funding-for-2023-to-2024

When you register for an NPQ, you will do this through a DfE registration website. Details of the Lead Providers of NPQs will be detailed there.

Schools who have worked with NELTSH on NPQs over the last 3 years have followed the UCL/IOE NPQ programme.

Schools will have been sent details of the NPQs on offer through the new TSH, the Harris Institute.

I am on an NPQ course/I have just started an NPQ course. What will happen with these?

As part of our transition planning, we are working with the DfE, the new Hub and our partners to plan what the continuation of these programmes looks like and we are hoping to be able to provide a detailed response in due course. We will continue to prioritise the high quality experience for all our participants.

For those following NPQ courses, provided by UCL:IoE and delivered by us as the TSH, UCL will be contacting you shortly with details of who your new Delivery Partner will be. From our initial conversations and planning, you should find the courses will be delivered by your current facilitators. From a participant perspective, the only change you may experience will be with who you communicate with regarding any queries or issues with your course from September onwards. Should you have any questions about this transition, please contact us on administrator@neltsh.com or call us on 020 8509 7802 and we can give you further guidance.

I would like to register for a new NPQ course. Who should I contact?

All registrations can be done through the DfE registration website which aims to be available on 1st of July subject to system testing and can be found here: https://register-national-professional-qualifications.education.gov.uk/registration_closed

In the meantime, you can contact us at administrator@neltsh.com for more information.

Details of the NPQ courses provided by the new TSH will been sent to schools.


Appropriate Body Services

Changes during 2022-23 saw Appropriate Body services transition to Teaching School Hubs. From September 2024, Teaching School Hubs will become the main provider of appropriate body services.

Within the NELTSH region, we have worked with AB Leads in the three Local Authorities who have worked for the NELTSH AB service to support schools during this academic year. This will come to an end as of 31st August 2024.

Schools will be able to access Appropriate Body services at Find an appropriate body - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) from local Teaching School Hubs and the Harris Institute will be sharing details of its AB provision for the region in due course.

Will we still be using ECT Manager?

ECT Manager is the AB software currently used by NELTSH. Many, but not all, Teaching School Hubs use this software.  When enquiring with a Teaching School Hub about AB services, they will be able to tell you if they use ECT Manager and how to access this.

What if I have ECTs coming to the end of their first year of induction? Where will they get their AB services from?

You will need to register these ECTs with a new AB from 1 September. The new AB will provide you with required actions and timescales to allow these ECTs to continue with their induction.

Please note: you must ensure there is an AB in place when our AB service ends, to allow the ECT to continue undergoing induction.

Once you have enrolled your ECTs with a new AB service, you will be able to confirm this when updating ECTs and Mentors on the DfE portal.

The new TSH will be offering an AB provision and you can use the contact details above or look at the webinar dates and links below.

NELTSH AB will be able to work with your new AB provider to ensure documentation linked to your ECT is transferred. This can be ready for 1st September (as long as the ECTs have been registered by your school with a new AB provider by this date).

If you would like any further guidance, please call the TSH Team on 020 8509 7802 and we can give you further guidance.

Will we still be working with the staff we have worked with up until this point?

The AB services provided by NELTSH will cease from 31st August 2024.

Do you know who we will be reporting to now?

As outlined above, schools will need to register with a new Appropriate Body provider for the 1st September. All Teaching School Hubs offer these services and the details of your local AB service provided by the new TSH, the Harris Institute, will be sent to schools in due course. Details will also be updated in these FAQs as they become available.

All ABs will operate within the statutory guidance and so schools will be required to submit termly progress reviews/assessments as guided by their TSH ABs.

Harris Chobham are offering AB Welcome Webinars, as follows -

Monday 1st July - 12.00pm - 1.00pm

Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqde6sqjooHdfkQkULTFpWe2MhFlo0ymyY

Friday 12th July - 11.00am - 12.00pm

Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvcOuurDwsGNB0rA5qqbsr232QKv4jGCb_

Wednesday 17th July - 10.00am to 11.00am

Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEucuCqrjoiHNA6TbFG4SBWnZCpHaSgjPos